Travel & Transportation

Travel & Transportation

In a few months, your daughter will be off to camp! We hope the following information will be helpful to you. 

Please send your daughter to camp in uniform or minimally a Fernwood Cove sweatshirt/t-shirt. This helps us identify Fernwood Cove girls in airports/train and bus stations and smooths the transition to camp.

All technology (i.e. cell phones, tablets, etc.) will be collected at the first contact with a Fernwood Cove staff member.  Your daughter will be able to call/text to let you know she has been met by our staff.  You can also expect a call from our office staff when she has arrived safely at camp.  Cell/mobile phones will be returned prior to the camper’s departure from camp.

Car Traveltravel

We will be sending you a link in the spring which will allow you to book your arrival time to camp. For planning purposes, the window will be between 1:30PM – 3PM EST for drop offs. Details will be communicated via email leading up to the start of camp. There will be ample time slots
available to provide you a time which is convenient for you. This will help stem vehicle congestion and allow for a smooth drop off and transition to camp. Campers will literally be dropped off – we ask all non-campers to remain in the vehicle. As you depart, we will provide
you a “rest stop” (if needed) to use the bathroom.

Bus Travel

We will provide chartered bus service from Lincoln Center, New York; Port Chester, New York; Fairfield, Connecticut; and Lexington/Newton, Massachusetts. You may sign your daughter up to use one of these buses by logging into your Parent Account and filling out the Travel Form. Please make sure you complete the Travel Form for all your daughters attending camp, even if they will have identical travel plans, this avoids overbooking of any charter buses. We assign seating based on camper’s grade/bunk assignments. We have detailed the pick-up locations and times on the next page.

Air Travel

Due to continued inconsistencies and disruptions within the airline industry we partnered with Atlas Travel to arrange ALL air travel to camp. Dianne Doucette will be your personal air-concierge arranging flights, seats and is your go-to-resource when things change (because they will). Dianne will keep you apprised of any changing flight numbers & departure times. It is imperative that ALL air travel is booked through Dianne as her relationship with airlines assists with Unaccompanied Minor and Airline Assist flights where our staff need a gate pass to meet your daughter at the gate.

Contact Dianne email:

LA & NYC Families can book directly here: Book a Flight

Phone: 508-488-1193 When you call or email Dianne, please provide her with the following information:
Daughter’s Name, Session, Departure City, and any return travel information (if applicable).

On arrival to Portland, Maine/Boston Logan, your daughter will be met at her arrival gate by a Fernwood Cove Staff member and will be transported to camp in one of our vans.

Please have your daughter(s) wear a Fernwood Cove shirt/fleece to make her easily identifiable by our Staff and new Campers and their families.

Keep in mind the following commute times to accommodate your daughter’s timely arrival at camp:

➢ Boston Logan to Fernwood Cove = 3 + hours.

➢ Portland, Maine to Fernwood Cove = 1 hour.

➢ If you are dropping your child off at Boston Logan, please have her at Terminal B Arrivals (lower level), between doors B102 & B103 (near the elevator) no later than 12:00 noon.

When booking your daughter’s flight please ask the airline to note in her record, she will be met at the gate of her final destination by a Fernwood Cove Staff member with a letter from the Director, Jim Gill. This is VERY IMPORTANT! By adding this line to your daughter’s record, it ensures our Staff will be able to attain a gate pass to meet your daughter.

The airline will also insist on knowing who is meeting your daughter, tell them Jim Gill 207-583-2381. We will email you updated information 3 to 5 days prior to your daughter’s departure so you can relay the updated information to the airline.

Unaccompanied Minor and Airline Assist:

If you choose to have your daughter fly as an unaccompanied minor, please note airlines have varying policies on who qualifies as an unaccompanied minor. If the airline you are using says your daughter is too old to qualify as an unaccompanied minor; 1st try speaking with a manager to resolve the issue; 2nd ask about “Airline Assist”. All airlines have airline assist, where an airline/airport employee will escort your daughter from the plane to connecting flights. There is usually no charge for airline assistance.

For our International and West Coast families or children traveling more than 3 hours by plane:

Please plan to have your daughter travel to camp one day early. Her flight should arrive into Boston Logan Airport between 1:00 pm. and 3:00 pm. or Portland Jetport between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. She will then be met at the gate by a Fernwood Cove Staff member and transported to camp in one of our vans. This policy assists Campers traveling across time zones who may experience jet-lag or extreme weariness.  

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call the office. After you book a flight, please submit the online Travel Form through your Parent Account. While this may seem redundant – by submitting the Travel Form, it verifies to us your understanding of the date/time of your daughter’s departure.

Please make sure to include all information, especially booking reference, in consultation with Portland Jetport management we have been advised this is key information for our staff to be issued a gate pass.

Travel Home

Departure Day is all about celebrating an incredible summer and sharing a little bit of the camp experience with you! When you arrive to pick up your daughter, you’ll also get the chance to explore camp on a selfguided tour—a perfect way to see where all the fun happened.

Plan to arrive between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM and we’ll have everything ready—your camper, her bags, and plenty of memories to share. The self-guided tour will be open until 12:00 PM noon. Light refreshments will be available at the Feeder for your convenience.

We can’t wait to welcome you back to camp and give you a glimpse into the magic your daughter has been a part of all summer!

If your daughter needs alternative means of transport home, we offer a camp van/bus to Boston Suburbs, Logan Airport, Portland Jetport, Fairfield, CT, Port Chester, NY, and Lincoln Center, NY.

Campers who are flying home (without parents) are transported to the airport by Fernwood Cove Staff members. Upon arrival at the airport, staff members supervise Campers at all times, and will remain at the
gate until the plane takes off and is en-route. Staff members will stay at the gate and in the airport until they confirm the Camper’s plane has left the ground.

Rookie Pickup: Pickup only – no return transportation provided. Pickup at 10:30 am EST at the Fernwood Cove Office on Rookie Departure Day. Tours around camp are not available on Rookie Departure Day.

Release of Campers

Campers are not released to anyone other than a legal parent or guardian without prior permission. Permission must be given by a legal guardian, specifying who the Camper is to be released to and for what reason (i.e. departing camp on Departure Day). Permission is preferred in writing through email, but is accepted by telephone with confirmation by members of the Administrative Staff.

Transportation Charges

BUS/VAN                                ONE-WAY               ROUNDTRIP

Port Chester – New York              $225                             $375

Lincoln Center – NYC                  $225                             $375

Fairfield – Connecticut                 $225                             $375

Lexington – Boston Suburbs        $175                             $325

Boston Logan Airport                   $175                             $325

Portland Jetport Free Arrival     Free Arrival               $125   Departure

If your travel plans to camp or home change, it is important we are informed as soon as possible. Please update the Travel Form through your Parent Account and email us at

Please make sure to complete the travel form online by April 1st. This is important information for us when reserving busses and vans. If you have any questions, please call us or email us at during the off season or while camp is in session.